There are times when every shop needs some on site assistance, which is why Hennco has partnered with Waterjet Technical Specialist. These are folks with a long history of technical support within the waterjet industry. Many of these folks have worked and been trained by the major OEM's in waterjet. The folks listed below are independent contractors.
Owner: Chuck Meudt
Milwaukee, WI
Phone: 262-599-9618
Services: Phone technical support including remote diagnostics, field service calls including waterjet service, maintenance, machine installation and ballbar certifications. Specialty is Flow style equipment, will work on variety of equipment.
Owner: Dale
Livonia, MI
Phone: 734-679-9318
Services: Phone technical support including remote diagnostics, field service calls including waterjet service, maintenance, machine installation and ballbar certifications. Specialty is Flow style equipment, will work on variety of equipment.